Tuesday, August 2, 2011

August 2

Today I made it home to Bellevue, Nebraska! 

I had a wonderful time traveling all over the United States and to many countries around the world!  A very special "Thank You" to all those who let me "tag along" with them!  I hope you have enjoyed learning about so many different places!  I sure have!

My travels are not completely over...yet!  I will be home for a few weeks, but I have been invited to go to a few other places...so I will post clues and pictures sporadically over the next few months.  Hope you will check back periodically.  If you choose to "follow" the blog you will get an e-mail when there is another post.

Hope the rest of your summer is great!!  Stop by the library and say "Hi" sometime!

Miss (Flat) Tammy

Monday, August 1, 2011

August 1

I've been visiting our neighbor, Iowa!  Did you guess correctly?  Here is a scrapbook page my host family made for me of my trip to Iowa with them.  Enjoy the pictures!  I had a great time!